CD, Compilation
New Zealand
1. The Little Things - Captain Festus McBoyle
2. Taniwha, Taniwha - Anika Moa
3. We're All Gonna Have Some Fun - Suzy Cato
4. Do The Woopsie - fleabite
5. The Wonky Donkey - Craig Smith
6. Brushing Teeth Song - Mac's Patch
7. Sprinkle A Little Sunshine - Kath Bee & Suzy Cato
8. A Goat Called Ken - Mr Roberelli
9. If I Was A Fuzzy Buzzy Bumblebee - Chanelle 10. We Like Pets! - Moe & Friends
11. Horsey Horse - Kahuna Kidsongs
12. It's Not A Monster, It's Me! - Raymond McGrath
13. Ship That Sails - Claudia Gunn
14. Dad, I Wanna Be A Camel - Kath Bee
15. Ten Little Kiwi Birds - Itty Bitty Beats
16. Reach Up High -Tofa Tafa - Love To Sing
17. The Wheels On The Bus They Don't Go Round - Levity Beet
18. The Wreck Of The Diddley - Fatcat & Fishface 19. Seatbelt Click - Bryan & Bobby
20. My Old He Played Bugby - Jay Laga'aia
21. The Whistling Song - Anna van Riel
22. I Turned Into A Dinosaur - Judi Cranston
23. In The Summer - The Funky Monkeys
24. I Love Being Me! - Rainbow Rosalind
25. Baby, I Love You - Petite Music Box